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韌器 Flexible Ware

「Flexible Ware 韌器」系列設計以彈性金屬的竹藝表現為重點,立基在時間與使用者上,彈性金屬這個單一媒材之外,我們也將竹材帶入這個系列,使設計更溫潤,更柔軟,更融入日日的日常。

The Flexible Ware combines the unique characteristic of spring steel and the technique of bamboo weaving from Taiwan. We want people to create communication with our product and enjoy the movement that comes from it. 
We choose these two materials for two reasons. The first reason is that both of them have the same features, flexibility and durability. And the second reason is that we try to bring together the modern style and material with the traditional aesthetics of bamboo weaving. 
This set of design includes three parts. The first part is a fruit bowl that changes its form based on the weight of the fruit it contains. The second part is a lamp that is able to make changes of brightness by adjusting the ring in the middle of it by users. And the last part is vase and candelabrum, which would be, transformed the shape by the weight of water/wax it includes. 


Prof. Cheng-kuei Fan




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