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氣喘患者往往輕忽氣喘的嚴重性而疏於日常的平時保養, 然而在緊急病發的時候才開始重視氣喘的嚴重性, 甚至有可能因為疏忽在一次的緊急病發中就造成遺憾。 本次設計結合自身經驗與設計研究, 設計出一款可以讓氣喘患者隨身攜帶的穿戴式裝置, 除了平時穿戴在身上幫使用者進行呼吸頻率檢測供院方做為追蹤病情外, 也能在使用者緊急病發時能快速的利用它來穩定臨時的氣喘發作,而其方便開啟 性與一次更換的衛生性更能增加使用上的安心感。除了平常保養與緊急救援外,還能與手機的APP結合,除了能連結院方作為相互溝通的平台外, 也能讓使用者了解自身的狀況。Breather-利用聲學科技聽見使用者的呼吸狀況,病發時刻及時給予協助,成為氣喘患者的安心護身符!

Breather is a smart wearable device for asthma patients. It can check the patient’s breathing status is safe any time by the acoustic sensors is near the patient’s neck. Moreover, can also save the daily record of the medical history in the smartphone, so patients can browse and check their status easily everywhere. In the case of the emergency which the patient triggered asthma so breathed hardly, just pressed the button for a one-time inhalator would offer the asthma medicine for the patient, and connected with the hospital and family their situation at the same time.


Prof. Cheng-Kuei Fan



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