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Add Up

在我們離開外國機場準備返國時,口袋裡總會有用不完的零錢,可能是紙鈔、也可能是返國兌換後幣值毫無意義的零錢,這些零錢因為很小因此很難被花掉,而『聚少成多』就是設計用來解決些食之無味棄之可惜的零錢。 『聚少成多』設計在機場的登機門附近,當使用者投入剩餘的零錢,並且選擇欲兌換之幣值,系統便會自動幫忙換算,使用者可以選擇要將這筆零錢『全額捐出』、或是只取整數的『加值在手機中』、『購買網路電話的點數』,而剩餘的零頭將會被自動捐出。這個設計解決了小幣值的問題,藉由小額捐獻以及全球每年20億機場旅客的數量,將會變成一筆龐大的善款,大大地改變我們的世界。

Design Background
When you’re leaving a country. You still have some loose change. They couldn’t be used to buy anything. So we present you a design called “Add up” that gives you a great solutions for using the change.
Add up” will be placed near the boarding gate in airports. A various type of currencies can be accepted. First, insert the loose change and the machine will automatically identifies the currency type and the value of them. Secondly, we can choose to transfer them into another currency we want.
By 2 billion international passengers each year, these micro-donations will be a huge money that can helps a lot of people. 『 Change can change the world.』 "Change can change the world." We believe by using "Add up" will make this world be better.


Prof. Fan Cheng Kuei



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